Featured Employee – Juan Martinez
Why did you originally get involved in aviation?
Aviation caught my attention when I first flew at 10 years-old when my family and I went on vacation to Mexico and we flew on a Boeing 727. When I got back, I started drawing airplanes and checking out all the airplane related books from the small local library. I decided to pursue being a pilot, but due to finanical constraints, I studied Avionics and Airframe and Powerplant.
What do you enjoy most about your role with Reliance Aerotech Services?
What I enjoy the most from my position at Reliance is the variety of sites and airplanes that I get to work on. Almost any other work environment, like a manufacturer or an airline, you are limited to being in one place and to working on one type of airplane.
What words do you live by?
Make the most of your free time.
Please tell us about your featured passion.
I’ve always enjoyed drawing and painting. Landscapes and airplanes are my favorite subjects. Living in Seattle with its natural beauty and recently exploring more of the local art scene has inspired me to dedicate more time to painting. I started painting in pastel last year when I visited an artist’s studio and saw her use this medium. I plan to continue to work on improving my painting skills and combine my two passions of aviation and art.
If you have a passion for aviation, we’d like to have you on our team. Learn more about working with Reliance Aerotech Services and apply for jobs here: www.reliance.aero/aviation-jobs